Friday, 13 March 2009

"Urgent" means you can wait up to four weeks...

...that seems along time, to me. You can't see the pauses I'm "doing" as I type but there are many. Scan appointment is before 10am in about 10 days' time. I fully expect them to say it's fine. Equally, that it's in a wrong place. I've had Ponstan and 2 x co-dydramol and still the sodding pain battles through the barrier.

I'm nearly asleep, not a bad thing, really... apart from me not being able to do even 1/10 of what I should be doing here: tidying my yarns away, vacuuming, sorting the kitchen, clean the cats' trays... ironing: my staple contribution to the household. Haven't done any for WEEKS. Guilt. Laziness? No, not dossing, just incredibly tired.

Reader, I am going to sit in the front room, have the telly on something on which I needn't concentrate, blanket, hot water bottle... and such..... also, if you eat cheese and like prawns, I implore you to try Primula with prawns. They used to make it with shrimps... no more. Prawns are insanely delicious, I find. Although, if you have them in your freezer and defrost them in a microwave on too high a heat, they do end up rather chewy... *puzzled/disgruntled face*

Water, sit down, etc.... more useless "news", later...

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