...something happens and it completely punches you in the face. Proverbially...
Potentially bad news, not confirmed, not yet told result of tests, etc.... not for me, that would be preferable. I think. But to someone who is at the centre of my world. One of the most important people in my life, for EVER and after, might be unwell and I can't stop it. It may be nothing to be concerned about. But what if it is? ...shaking my head as I type. Ugh. Love's a bitch. And so is life, sometimes.
I get my scan done on Monday, to see if Mirena is in the right place. I still think it is not in the right place. Oddly, though, since my burst of TWO pain-free hours and doing some (possibly too) vigorous Dysoning, (not counting the horrid pain after, for a few hours) I've done... things. Not those sort of things, filthpot (or is that just me? Probably.), things like clear away my yarns and fabrics, sort of tidy my things in rooms a bit, load the dishwasher and sort the kitchen, clean the cats' trays... Like I have more energy. Which I have not had for MONTHS... might only be weeks... hang on... *looks at calendar* 10 weeks ago today. Thursday. Although, it's still Wednesday night... but still, that's a long time to not feel good. Not like I felt incredible before, this is like a bit of that OKishness, which is a lot, compared to what I have been feeling...
I don't even know who'd want to read these words of mine. I don't own the words, I just use them but... I made that headband I typed about before. Took ages. Didn't look as good as the one she did, nor nearly turn out the same... I probably did some stuff wrong, but I got a good k1 p1 rib stitch out of it . And sewed on some cheap buttons I got from eBay. Yarn also from the 'Bay. S'nice actually, it fits well. Just a bit bothered that, if I have my hair down with headband on, I may end up looking like the stereotypical librarian virgin. I wear glasses. Not much make-up, if any. Allergic to most. Allergic to make-up. That's a bitch, right? Righ'...
Time for my eyes to shut and allow me to go to sleep. Doing things makes this one tired. Yawning. Hm...
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