Thursday, 12 March 2009

Not up north watching doves, but have nearly finished cover...

...nowt so good as an album cover, just a hot water bottle cover. Knitted, obviously. D and G are at the doves gig in Warrington and I'm NOT. One day, though. ONE. DAY.......

No letter. No lolly. But had the same lovely phlebotomist, so that was nice.

RANDOM: I bought myself some clear lens glasses from (not from, though, is it? It's via, I bought them from a seller. "Pedants' Revolt", etc.) eBay. I have almost stupidly sensitive eyes, worse when the pollen gets going, but I got these glasses to give my eyes some protection when I go outside - they water and stream, then my nose runs and goes red and people really do ask if I've got a cold. That is rarely the case, although presently, I have a sore throat... hoping it's an extension of the gummy-mouth syndrome one gets after taking codeine... everyone gets that, don't they.......?

So, while surfing (yes, I did type surfing... agh...) for places that sell clear lensed glasses, I saw a site where someone asked what other people thought of people wearing clear lenses... Someone said they thought it was offensive, like making fun of a handicap... Wha?? I wear glasses for reading, writing, watching telly, computer work, that kind of "close work" (I'm not like Mike TV... the Willy Wonka chap, not the Beats For Beginners maestro... he's really tall... anyway, yeah, I don't sit THAT close to the television, is what I meant...).

I really like my glasses. That they cost me £84.50, all in - less a repair of £12.50 - is nothing to do with my thoughts on them; I like them, I really do. Offensive, though? [sic] Like using a wheelchair if you can use your legs. WHAT. EVER. Yeah? Irony abounds, oh you can almost smell it.

Another RANDOM (I got that from Rose, thanks bud), but sort of not: sharp pains in lower right abdomen. I've been told they're not ovary pains, but then I suggested it might be ovary-related to another/current consultant and he didn't say they wouldn't cause pains, so I conclude that they, or, rather it, is causing this stabbiness. Bit like a stitch but not. Like a tugging tightness. Which... hmmyeah, IS like a stitch...

I still wonder if that extraordinary (Minnie, Lark Rise, ah how delightful she is) episode, whereby I was admitted to hospital in 2003, was due to a burst cyst. No high temperature, no infection, blood test was clear, blood pressure fine - now it is low, hence dizziness... and they said they didn't actually know what "it" was. If it was an appendix problem, i.e. a grumbling appendix, I'd have expected it to carry on hurting, intermittently, but there hasn't been anything like that... ohhh, I don't know... answers, though, you know?

...and now my arm really aches. I ate all my Smarties. Water and... a mint, I think. A Softmint. I swallowed one of those whole, by accident, when I was not more than 101/2-years-old. I know this because it happened at "the other house" and we moved here when I was 101/2-years-old. You SO needed to know that. Irony, with the "SO", see? Aye.

I got series one of Not Going Out on DVD in the post, today. Adore the present second series, SO funny. Mancunians do tend to be rather listen-to-able anyway, I find. And I always have to do that "oh he looks nice, as well" thing and ruin the proper reason for watching. Which is - it's very funny. That happens a lot, though... "ooh he's nice AND he makes very good music". It cheapens it for me, yet I still do it. A lot. Women, eh?

...talking of, went into the supermarket, turn left (Doctor!) into the car park, left again for the first lot of spaces, a car, driven by a woman, was heading straight for us (Ma and me) the WRONG WAY. Clearly, a Nissan Bluebird is a hefty piece of car and she couldn't drive it properly. She decided to swing into the space that Ma was going to have, plenty more available but she took up TWO spaces! Then, of course, she had to reverse a bit and go back in, and then again...

OH EM JEE, if you can't read the frankly massive white arrows on the ground and co-ordinate yourself in a CAR PARK, how the hell do you expect to drive properly on an actual road? The answer, I suspect, is - you don't. You're probably rubbish. I'm trying so hard to learn and learn well and listen to what I'm taught, to be considerate and then fools like her drive like an inebriated loon. In a car park. I wanted to get out and brick her but Ma persuaded me not to haha... Ranty rant rant...

AND facebook has changed again. Why? What was the point? I can't see an option to change it back to the last "new" version. If you know if you can, do tell...

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