Whaddya know?? A lot? You brainy rascal, you... don't brag. But yes, back to me...
D IS a darling, after all! I knew it.
My Mum is now home from hospital. This is very good. I said to her, via text, "I'm trying to make the front room less Lucyfied, more Mummyfied". I laugh at my jokes. Didn't have any spray-on cobwebs, so she had to make do with a tidy(er) room and a cup of my fabulous tea. Her tea. But I made it... and she had yet more beautiful flowers of which to sniff the whiff and admire when she got home, and surely more to come from the people who will no doubt visit. Calls, texts, cards, flowers... she's a wonderful lady, is my Ma.
So... all is OK with D, it seems... I'm getting tired, may have to eat more tablets... but might just go to sleep in my lovely hot bed with blankets, comfort and telly... and mp3 player... and maybe a heavy cat sleeping on my leg(s) for good measure. G'night JohnBoy...
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