Tuesday 7 August 2018

Crosstown Traffic

Sorry about that. Away for longer than I thought. Quoting Dave Grohl, traffic was a bitch...

Much stuff has happened since that last post in February of last year, not least my appalling memory allowing me an accidental break from blogging because I forgot to renew the domain on this little place. Oops.

And so, here I am, asking you to give up 6 seconds to endorse me via that giant Private Detective badge over on the right 👉

Best Kept Secret. That's my category on the WEGO Health Awards. I've known about WEGO for several years. Have you heard of them? A community of people, across Earth, doing what they can to help others who have illnesses, to bring together minds and knowledge, connecting groups and reducing loneliness.

Modestly, I don't know why anyone would think to nominate me for that because, truly, I don't consider myself worthy of being nominated. Yes, I talk/tweet/blog/post about endometriosis because it's still so unknown to so many people, worldwide, and enormous numbers of people suffer, struggling each day to live with this terrible disease, sometimes without any hope of a brighter future.

But, does that mean I'm nominee-worthy? I'm not sure.

If you are, and want to bring relief from hidden illnesses by helping me to build my little leopard-print platform, please click or tap that Big Orange Button.

Better, and more interesting, posts soon. Thanks for still being here. It means so much.

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